Valerie Pableo, of Atlanta, says the part that gets her the most is that the driver never even stopped or slowed down. In the early morning hours on a day in August, as Pableo was walking through the intersection of Peachtree and Mathieson in Buckhead, a black sedan struck her and left her severely injured in the road. The accident was caught on camera and the young woman’s family shared it with Fox5 as they continue to search for clues as to the identity of the hit-and-run driver. Pableo’s recovery since the accident has been a matter of small steps toward healing. She was hospitalized for about two weeks after the accident with a traumatic brain injury, bone fractures, and internal bleeding.
A student who was paying for college and is now unable to work for quite some time due to her injuries, she had no insurance. A community GoFundMe started by family and friends has raised $30,000 to help her with her expenses. Unfortunately, as generous as the gift is, the average cost of a hospital stay for an uninsured person is over $9,000 a night, with additional costs for treating the types of injuries that she sustained. Pableo says she hopes police will find the driver and arrest them. Individuals who are convicted of hit-and-run in Georgia that results in death or serious injuries not only face severe penalties including jail time of up to one year as well as fines and fees, but they can also be found liable in civil court for the expenses and impacts they cause to those they’ve injured or to the family members of those they’ve killed.
If you’ve been injured in an accident that was caused by a negligent driver, let an experienced personal injury attorney from Cambre & Associates tell you about the personal injury claims process and the services we can provide to assist you as you seek compensation for your injuries. For example, understanding how dash cams help prove fault in Georgia car accidents can be crucial in building a strong case. Additionally, being aware of other incidents, such as the DeKalb child who suffered a concussion after getting caught in a school bus door, can highlight the importance of legal assistance in personal injury cases.
Contact us for a free case evaluation.