According to a 2022 study, the top five most dangerous roads in Georgia are located in the greater Atlanta area. The average Atlanta driver faces a great deal of stress while trying to navigate those roads every day, including potholes, busy streets, and more. Fortunately, Atlanta is finally making moves to improve the dangers on the streets of Atlanta.
Dangers Created by Unsafe Roads in Atlanta
The streets of Atlanta are filled with potential dangers. Some hazards occur more frequently than others, creating substantial concerns that leave Atlanta drivers worried that they may end up involved in a severe accident.
Atlanta drivers know all too well the many dangers faced by potholes. Not only can dropping into a pothole cause a car to slip off course, it can create a significant risk of vehicle damage, including tire blowouts, which could cause significant injuries. Furthermore, potholes can interfere with the flow of traffic as drivers attempt to avoid them, causing them to run off the road or into other vehicles, slowing down the overall flow of traffic, or causing drivers to slow or stop abruptly, all of which can increase accident risk.
Drunk Drivers
Drunk drivers pose a serious problem throughout Atlanta. As many as 40% of the crashes in the area occur because of drinking, speeding, or some combination of the two. Drunk drivers have a difficult time maintaining control of their vehicles and may swerve over the road, have slowed reaction times that make it hard for them to react safely in the event of an emergency, and deal with tunnel vision, which makes it difficult for them to keep up with everything taking place around them on the road. Driving while intoxicated can also mean decreased overall motor control. Unfortunately, many drivers continue to choose to get behind the wheel while inebriated, despite the dangers represented by those actions.
Many drivers try to travel through Atlanta at a high rate of speed, despite clear speed limits decreasing the rate at which drivers should travel. High rates of speed make it more difficult for drivers to control their vehicles safely, which can prove especially dangerous on Atlanta’s multi-lane highways. Furthermore, at a high rate of speed, drivers can end up causing more severe injuries.
Measures Taken to Reduce the Risks on Atlanta’s Roads
Increasingly, state and local government officials are taking action to decrease the dangers faced by Atlanta drivers. The city has dedicated significant funding to ensuring that the streets of Atlanta receive the care and attention they need to improve them for everyone, including both visitors to and residents of the city.
Patching and Repairing Potholes
The Atlanta Department of Transportation acknowledges the dangers presented by the potholes in Atlanta’s streets and has dispatched a team dedicated to filling in potholes and taking care of potential problems as quickly as possible. In 2021 alone, Atlanta DOT patched more than 4,000 potholes across Atlanta. This project remains an important part of improving overall road safety across Atlanta, since heavy use on Atlanta’s streets can lead to more potholes than those seen in other areas of the country.
Resurfacing Roads
In addition to simply filling in potholes, Atlanta aims to take care of uneven road surfaces, which can prove more difficult for drivers to navigate safely. The city plans to completely resurface dangerous roads to allow for smoother travel and decreased overall danger. Resurfacing roads can mean temporary shutdowns and lane closures, but it also prevents the wear and tear on roads from creating more problems over time, which helps keep Atlanta drivers safer. The Atlanta DOT also aims to add lanes and fix up potential problems out on the road, all of which can contribute to a better experience for both visitors to the area and residents of Atlanta.
Increased Construction and Road Work
Atlanta drivers may notice a significant increase in road work as Atlanta’s Department of Transportation works to widen roadways, smooth them out, and improve travel conditions for everyone on the road. This increased construction may temporarily interfere with drivers’ regular commutes, but will ultimately result in better infrastructure that will make it safer for drivers to use those roads. Adding lanes and additional roads can help improve travel on the streets of Atlanta, especially since the infrastructure often proves inadequate for all the drivers who use those roads on a regular basis.
Efforts to Catch Drunk Drivers
In addition to efforts to improve the road infrastructure of the city, the Atlanta Police Department is stepping up to catch more drivers driving while intoxicated. Throughout the summer, in particular, the police department puts out more specific traffic stops and checkpoints designed to determine whether drivers are driving while intoxicated and get them off the road, if needed. Knowing that there are checkpoints in place can also stop drivers from driving while intoxicated in known areas with checkpoints or help drivers remember to think twice before getting behind the wheel while intoxicated, all of which can help protect drivers.
Speed Traps
While many Atlanta drivers continue to speed, the Atlanta Police Department wants to crack down on speeding drivers to help reduce those behaviors. Speed traps can help catch speeding drivers and increase the odds that everyone will slow down, especially when traveling through congested areas. Speed traps also provide the Atlanta Police Department with more information about the areas where drivers prove more likely to speed, which means they can suggest infrastructure changes, post officers in those areas, or institute measures designed to help reduce accident potential.
For example, a study shows that metro Atlanta roads are the most dangerous in Georgia, emphasizing the need for infrastructure improvements.
Contact an Attorney After an Atlanta Car Accident
Whether you suffered an injury in an accident because of the dangerous streets of Atlanta or the reckless or negligent actions of an Atlanta driver, you may have the right to compensation for any damages sustained in the accident. An Atlanta car accident lawyer at Cambre & Associates can help you learn more about your right to compensation. Contact us today for more information.
In a tragic example, a child was killed in a pedestrian accident in South Fulton, highlighting the severe risks pedestrians face on these dangerous roads.
Understanding the most dangerous streets in Atlanta for pedestrian accidents can help identify areas that need urgent attention and improvement.