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five recent large medical malpractice payouts

In the United States, every patient has a right to ethical and proficient medical care. Unfortunately, many patients suffer injuries from the negligence of their doctors. Every year hundreds of thousands of patients die or suffer injuries caused by the negligent acts or inaction of health care providers. Medical malpractice takes place with a healthcare professional’s negligent actions that cause injury or harm to a patient. 

Under U.S. law, people who suffer injuries caused by medical malpractice may have a right to compensation. Plaintiffs who prove that the negligent or reckless behavior of a healthcare professional caused their injuries can recover damages or compensation for their injuries. The following medical malpractice lawsuits involved some of the highest monetary recoveries in the United States. 

A Cook County Jury Awarded $101 Million to the Mother of a Brain-Damaged Boy

In 2019, the mother of a boy who was severely brain-damaged due to a birth injury received a jury award of $101 million. The parties agreed to cap the number of damages at $50 million before the jury announced the verdict. Hospital staff ignored results from an ultrasound that indicated that the baby did not move for six hours during labor. The mother told the ultrasound tech that she could not feel the baby move in utero. At trial, medical experts testified that if the medical practitioners had used reasonable care, he would not have been brain-damaged. Failure to conduct a cesarean section resulted in the lack of oxygen that caused the brain damage. Unfortunately, the boy cannot walk, speak, or even sit up on his own.

A Jury Awarded the Family of a Deceased Alabama College Student $9 Million

An Alabama college student died as a result of complications with birth control. Doctors improperly prescribed birth control, resulting in a pulmonary embolism which caused her death.  The lawsuit alleged that despite tests showing that the college student was at high risk for blood clots, a doctor at Auburn Urgent Care prescribed her hormonal birth control. The student went back to urgent care a month later and reported other symptoms. The doctor misdiagnosed her and days later, she died from a pulmonary embolism. 

A Former Prison Inmate Received a $1 Million Medical Malpractice Settlement

A former Virginia prison inmate won over $1 million in a medical malpractice lawsuit in 2019. The inmate alleged that the Lunenburg Correctional Center failed to properly treat his broken finger bone. The man injured the finger in the prison recreation yard. The prison medical staff only provided him with an ice pack even though x-rays indicated that he might need surgery. It took over 100 days for prison officials to take the man to a specialist. The specialist confirmed that the injury did heal improperly because of medical malpractice. 

Baltimore Jury Awards Nearly $300 Million for a Birth Injury 

A Baltimore jury deliberated for less than three hours before it awarded nearly $300 million for a birth injury. The mother decided to not undergo a C-section at 25 weeks gestation. At that point, she developed severe preeclampsia and was admitted to a nearby hospital. The woman argued that doctors told her that if she underwent a c-section, her baby would suffer brain damage or die. Instead, she underwent a natural birth with 22-hour labor. During the 22-hour labor, the baby’s brain did not receive enough oxygen. As a result, he developed cerebral palsy. He also suffered from microcephaly, seizures, and significant pain. The hospital argued that they provided the best care possible and that the mother’s decision against a c-section tied their hands, making it impossible to prevent the damage.

A Michigan Jury Awards $130 Million in a Medical Malpractice Case

An Oakland County jury awarded a family $130 million in damages as a result of a medical malpractice lawsuit. A young boy suffered severe brain damage during his treatment at a Detroit hospital. In 2006, the plaintiffs allege that hospital staff failed to call a code blue in time to prevent oxygen deprivation. They also allege that they failed to provide necessary chest compressions on the two-month-old patient. Providing chest compressions is required by the standard of care for doctors and medical professionals. As a result of the failure to provide chest compressions and failure to call a code blue, the boy’s brain was deprived of oxygen. He now lives with cerebral palsy and has extensive medical expenses. 

A Boston Man Received $18.4 Million in Damages Over a Cancelled HIV Test

A man won $18.4 million in damages after filing a lawsuit alleging that two doctors failed to test him for HIV. The lawsuit alleges that the failure to test for HIV caused the virus to progress to full-blown AIDS. The plaintiff consented to an HIV test in 2007 after experiencing facial paralysis. The plaintiff alleges that the doctor canceled the test because he thought the plaintiff did not have a risk of having HIV. The plaintiff was a gay man and he worked as a paramedic and was exposed to bodily fluid frequently. Thus, the plaintiff alleges that doctors failed to meet the standard of care by refusing to test the patient for HIV. Had the patient received treatment at the time that he went into the clinic, his condition might not have progressed to serious AIDS. 

Do You Need a Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Atlanta?

If you have suffered an injury caused by medical malpractice, you might have a legal right to compensation for your injuries. In order to succeed in a medical malpractice lawsuit in Atlanta, you will need strong evidence that your doctor did not meet the standard of care. At Cambre & Associates, our Atlanta medical malpractice law firm is prepared to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact our law firm today to set up your initial consultation. We are dedicated to fighting assertively on behalf of our clients.