A 30-year-old man and a six-year-old child were critically injured on Friday night in a hit-and-run pedestrian accident. The accident occurred around 9 pm on Chert Road between Roswell Road and Gresham Road. The two were reportedly walking along the roadway when they were struck from behind. The driver fled the scene without stopping to render aid to the victims or to provide their license and insurance information. Based on witness accounts and surveillance footage provided by nearby cameras, the suspect was believed to be driving a black or dark blue Toyota Corolla, model years 2009-2013. The vehicle appeared to have a Tennessee license plate. The adult victim was transported to Wellstar Kennestone Hospital, while the child was taken to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Both were listed in critical condition at the time of the report.
More than 200 people are killed and thousands more are injured on Georgia roadways in pedestrian accidents, and the Atlanta region accounts for around 60 percent of the state’s pedestrian accidents. The vast majority of accidents involving pedestrians and motor vehicles take place outside of crosswalks. In Georgia, fleeing the scene of an accident involving serious injuries without notifying the police or rendering aid to victims is a felony that can result in up to five years in prison upon being caught and convicted. Additionally, when a hit-and-run driver is identified, those who were injured can seek compensation for the expenses and impacts of their injury, including all injury-related medical expenses, lost wages, loss of earning capacity if the injury is permanent and impacts the sufferer’s ability to earn an income, pain and suffering, and emotional distress.
For example, in a tragic incident, a teen was killed in a motorcycle accident outside Marietta High School, highlighting the severe consequences of traffic accidents. Another serious case involved two LaGrange College baseball players among three dead in an accident, showing the devastating impact of such accidents on families and communities.
If you’ve been injured in a pedestrian accident, contact an experienced personal injury lawyer from Cambre & Associates to learn more about your legal options. Additionally, it is crucial to understand the essential steps to take after a car wreck to ensure you handle the situation correctly and protect your rights.