According to a report from WSB-TV 2, a good Samaritan who lost his leg while trying to assist another driver in September is wondering why there have been no arrests in his case. On September 4, the man exited his car to offer help to a woman who had crashed in the HOV lane of I-75. While he and the woman were standing outside of their cars, another vehicle slammed into them both. The man reported that they were both tossed into the air and across the expressway as a result of the collision. The woman died from her injuries, and the man lost his leg.
The male victim of the crash noted that while his life has changed forever due to his injury, his name never appeared on the police report, and no arrests were made. When a reporter from the news station asked the police why no arrests had been made for the accident, he was reportedly told that while no charges are pending against the driver of the vehicle that crashed into the man and woman, information was still being gathered about the incident. The police reportedly also told the reporter that they’re trying to understand why the man was not named on the police report, in spite of there being video that showed him talking to officers at the scene.
In another case, more than a year after an accident, a man’s family wanted his name cleared, highlighting the long-lasting impact of incomplete or incorrect police reports on families.
Police reports are very important tools, not only in investigating whether any criminal actions led to a car accident, but also as evidence of liability when someone is injured and seeking compensation from the party who was at fault for causing their injuries. While these reports can be amended in some circumstances, it is important to have an experienced attorney to provide assistance with the matter, such as helping to convince the police to amend the report or writing a strong statement with photos and other documentation to be attached to the report.
For example, in a separate incident, more charges were announced in a Sandy Springs hit-and-run case, demonstrating the importance of thorough investigations and accurate reporting.
Additionally, the Marietta Police Department has blamed the increase in fatal crashes on reckless driving, emphasizing the need for careful and accurate documentation to prevent further tragedies. If you have any concerns about driving cases, contact Cambre & Associates for a free case evaluation.