Recent data from the Georgia Department of Transportation revealed that more than 400 fatal crashes have been reported on the state’s roadways in 2023, and a startling 860 were reported in 2021. According to a report from 11 Alive, representatives from the Marietta Police Department believe the reason for the dramatic increase in fatal accidents in recent years is reckless driving behaviors, such as driving while distracted or impaired. MPD officer Chuck McPhilamy is quoted in the report as stating that drivers have a false sense of security when they are behind the wheel, thinking they can do whatever they want. However, he added, “What we want is for everyone to agree to one set of rules for the roadway,” as this provides the most protection for other roadway users.
The Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety notes that the number of traffic fatalities increased by more than 400 people in 2020 when compared to 2011. The largest increase was seen on urban roadways. In ten years’ time, the state went from 271 traffic fatalities caused by drunk driving to 402. Alcohol is considered a factor in around one-quarter of all fatal traffic accidents. During the same time period, fatalities from speed-related collisions increased from 220 in 2011 to 380 in 2020.
In addition to avoiding distractions such as texting and not getting behind the wheel when impaired by alcohol or drugs, McPhilamy encourages drivers to also pull over and remove themselves from the situation if they find themselves sharing the road with someone who is driving erratically in order to avoid collisions and potential injuries.
For example, a Marietta driver got into two accidents in less than an hour, illustrating the dangers of distracted driving and its potential consequences.
In another tragic case, a man was sentenced to 15 years for a crash that caused a brain injury, highlighting the severe legal repercussions that can follow from reckless or negligent driving.
Additionally, in a case where a family sought justice, more than a year after an accident, a man’s family wanted his name cleared after he was initially blamed for a fatal crash.
If you were injured in an accident caused by a reckless driver, an experienced car accident attorney from Cambre & Associates can help you understand the process of seeking compensation for the expenses and impacts of your injury. Contact us for a free case evaluation.