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Professional security guard holding a walkie-talkie in the train station.



Although there has reportedly been no direct threat made against the Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority or its customers, MARTA announced on Tuesday that it was taking steps to beef up security at train stations around the city. The announcement came shortly after a mass shooting at a subway station in New York City resulted in injuries to several people. Among the measures that the authority is planning to take are an increase in officer and K9 patrols of area train stations, as well as special operations teams in the stations and on the trains themselves. The MARTA Police Department is working with the Atlanta Police Department, who will also provide additional patrols and staffing.

Under premises liability laws, MARTA has a responsibility to take actions to protect passengers and visitors to the properties it controls from known crime. MARTA reported a 17 percent reduction in Part 1 crimes in 2021 when compared to 2020 figures. Part 1 crimes include criminal homicide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, and arson. This accomplishment was attributed, in part, to partnerships it forged with other law enforcement agencies to provide increased law enforcement visibility at train stations.

A transit authority can be liable for injuries caused to train riders and other guests if staff members know there is a risk of violent crime occurring in the area or at the train stations themselves and fail to take reasonable actions to mitigate those risks, just as they can if a guest is injured by another type of property hazard, such as a man slipping and falling onto the tracks and being killed by a MARTA train.

In addition to premises liability, reckless driving has been a significant concern in Georgia. The Marietta Police Department has blamed the increase in fatal crashes on reckless driving, highlighting the need for stricter enforcement and public awareness.

In another incident, a Marietta driver got into two accidents in less than an hour, demonstrating the dangers of distracted and reckless driving.

If you have been injured as a result of a property hazard such as violent crime, an experienced accident attorney from Cambre & Associates can evaluate your case and determine if you are eligible to seek compensation through a premises liability claim. Contact us for your free case evaluation.