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Pregnant woman driving a car with one hand.


A driver in Morrow has been charged with 1st degree vehicular feticide and other charges after a January 30 accident in Morrow. The accident occurred at around 1:55 AM on Jonesboro Road. Police say the 32-year-old driver ran a red light in his 2017 Ford F150 pickup and struck a 2015 Chevy Cruze that was occupied by a 19-year-old male driver, and a 19-year-old female passenger who was seven months pregnant. The force of the crash caused the Cruze to leave the roadway and strike a utility pole. The truck also left the roadway and crashed through several bushes before coming to a stop in a gas station parking lot. The female passenger was transported to the hospital with life-threatening injuries, and the unborn child did not survive. Both drivers suffered minor injuries and were treated at the scene. The driver of the pickup was arrested at the scene. In addition to vehicular feticide, he has also been charged with serious injury by vehicle, DUI, and failure to obey a traffic control device. He is being held at the Clayton County Sheriff’s Office, and more charges are possible.

Parents in Georgia who have lost their unborn child due to someone else’s carelessness or recklessness can seek compensation for their loss through a wrongful death claim, as long as the child is “quick.” Unlike most states, Georgia uses the “quick” standard rather than the fetal viability standard for determining eligibility for filing a wrongful death claim. Fetal quickening occurs when the mother can feel the fetus’ movement, which generally occurs between 18-24 weeks.

If you have been injured or have lost a loved one in an accident that resulted from someone else’s negligence, let an experienced Atlanta car accident attorney help you explore your options for seeking compensation. For instance, if the at-fault party doesn’t have car insurance, you may still have options to recover damages, as explained in what happens if the at-fault party doesn’t have car insurance.

Recent data shows that holidays can be particularly dangerous on Georgia roads. Over the New Year’s weekend, at least 16 people were killed on Georgia roadways, and during the July 4th holiday weekend, 20 fatalities were reported. These statistics underscore the importance of driving safely and the potential consequences of reckless driving.

Contact us for a free case evaluation to discuss how we can help you seek compensation for your injuries or loss.