Car accidents can be tremendously terrifying. They happen out of nowhere, are completely unexpected, and can cause some serious damage. Death, however unfortunate, is completely possible with any car accident. And sadly, 15- to 44-year-olds are involved in more than...
Top 4 Causes of Car Crashes
Unfortunately, car accidents happen every day. We drive to work, school, home, the gym, the grocery store, and countless other places. Although there are traffic laws in place to keep us as safe as possible, accidents still occur for a variety of reasons. Here are a...
Want To Win Your Car Accident Case? Avoid These Common Mistakes
With about 6 million car crashes occurring in the U.S. each year, each accident case is unique. And if you are involved in a crash, it's important for you to react properly. The days and months following an accident are critical, so it's important that you work with a...
Bicycle Accidents: A Guide For Victims
Your bike is a great way to get around. It’s fun, environmentally friendly, and a wonderful way to soak in the sights and sounds of your city. But it can also be dangerous. Of the 31 million people injured in the U.S. annually, about 2 million require hospitalization,...
Prevention Is Key: How To Avoid Common Winter Car Accidents
Traveling to see your relatives up North this winter? Chances are you’ll encounter some snow. While a winter wonderland can be a much-welcome view, it can be a nightmare to drive in. Fortunately, with some knowledge and winter driving skills, you can protect yourself...
What to do Following a Hit and Run Car Accident
Car accidents are almost always frightening and stressful events, but hit-and-run accidents can be even worse. There are approximately 6 million car accidents in the U.S. every year, and sometimes, one of the drivers flees the scene. If you are involved in one of...
Why Few Personal Injury Cases Go to Court
Did you know that only 4-5% of personal injury lawsuits in the United States ever make it to trial? That means up to 96% of them resolve in some sort of settlement, which could be either a total dismissal of the case or some mutual settlement agreement. So, why does...
Think Before You Post: Social Media Can Harm Your Car Accident Case
When you are injured in a car accident, you likely want to do everything you can to receive compensation for injuries and damage. By working with a quality personal injury lawyer, you can make your case as effective as possible. However, some actions and behaviors...
Dog Bites: How To Know When You Have an Injury Case in Georgia
When a dog bites you, it is certainly painful, frightening, and frustrating. Many people decide to sue the dog owner for their injuries, especially when they are injured by the bite. But should you? Specific dog bite laws vary from state to state, but this is what you...
Personal Injuries vs. Worker’s Compensation: What’s the Difference?
When you're injured and want to seek compensation, it can be difficult to determine the exact nature of your case. While your personal injury attorney will help you determine this, it's still important to understand the basics of injury cases. Personal injury and...