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A damaged motorcycle after an accident.

After a motorcycle accident, you may question whether you really need a motorcycle accident lawyer. Can you handle your insurance claim on your own? In general, any time you suffer injuries in a motorcycle accident, you should get in touch with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney to help provide you with critical advice and support as you deal with the claim. You may also notice several clear signs that you need to get in touch with an attorney as soon as possible.

The Benefits an Attorney Brings to Your Claim

Working with a motorcycle accident attorney can bring a number of potential advantages to your motorcycle accident claim. An attorney can:

  • Help you get a better idea of how much compensation you may expect for your injuries. Insurance companies may try to pressure you into accepting a low settlement offer, which may make it more difficult for you to assess what you should reasonably expect in compensation for your injuries.
  • Gather up evidence about your accident, including evidence that can help clearly establish which driver caused or contributed to the accident.
  • Provide you with legal advice and support at every stage of the claim process, making it easier for you to maximize the compensation you can ultimately recover.
  • Fight to help you get the compensation you really deserve, rather than giving in to the insurance company or failing to pursue the compensation you should really expect for those injuries.

If you suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident, working with an attorney can help you feel much more confident that you have achieved reasonable compensation for your injuries.

When to Call a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Ideally, you should call a motorcycle accident lawyer as soon as possible after a motorcycle accident that results in injury. You should also contact a motorcycle accident lawyer any time you notice these concerning signs as you progress with your claim.

You cannot get the insurance company to acknowledge that the other driver caused your accident.

In many cases, insurance companies have an intrinsic bias against motorcycle riders. They may insist that you must have committed the negligent actions that led to the motorcycle accident, even if you have a good driving history and behaved as carefully as possible on the road. If you find yourself struggling to clearly establish that the other driver caused the accident, an attorney can help you lay out the conditions that caused your accident and provide the evidence need to show that the other driver’s negligence led to your injuries.

The insurance company denies the extent of your injuries.

Often, insurance companies will try to claim that you did not suffer the injuries that obviously resulted from your motorcycle accident. Some injuries, including back and neck injuries, can be very difficult to prove, since their primary symptoms may include pain and overall lack of mobility. If you find yourself fighting with the insurance company to lay out the serious injuries you sustained in the accident, you may need an attorney to help you pull together your claim.

The insurance company claims that your injuries occurred at another time.

Sometimes, rather than refusing to accept the extent of your injuries, the insurance company may try to claim that your injuries must not have occurred as a result of your motorcycle accident. The insurance company may try to find evidence that you suffered injuries in another accident either before or after the motorcycle accident, or that you have ongoing complications from an old accident. The insurance company may prove particularly difficult if you did not seek medical attention immediately after the accident. Talk to an attorney about what injuries you sustained and how you can prove that they occurred during your motorcycle accident.

The insurance company issues a very low settlement that does not reflect the damages you really sustained during your motorcycle accident.

A fair motorcycle accident settlement will include compensation for the damages you sustained because of the motorcycle accident: your medical costs, any wage losses, and even your pain and suffering. If you receive a settlement offer from the insurance company that does not fairly reflect compensation for those losses, you may want to get in touch with an attorney who can help lay out the compensation you really deserve, based on the damages you sustained because of the accident. An attorney may also offer vital insights into how much compensation you should expect, which may put you in a better position to fight.

You have a hard time getting in touch with the insurance company or having the insurance company get back to you after a question.

Sometimes, the insurance company may try to drag out the claim process. It may occur because internal processes get in the way, or the insurance adjuster may try to delay speaking with you to increase the odds that you will accept a fast settlement offer in order to get the process over with. An attorney can often streamline your motorcycle accident claim and ensure that you get the answers you need in a timely manner.

You have questions about your motorcycle accident claim or your rights.

Any time you have questions about your motorcycle accident claim, your right to compensation, or the best way to protect yourself, working with a motorcycle accident lawyer can offer you the best overall odds of reaching a reasonable settlement agreement and getting the compensation you really deserve. You can start with a free consultation that will offer you vital information about your claim. During that free consultation, you can also decide whether you may want to work with an attorney as you manage your claim.

Did You Suffer Injuries in a Motorcycle Accident?

If you suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident, you may have the right to compensation for those injuries. Working with a motorcycle accident lawyer can offer you the information you need to progress with your claim as smoothly as possible. If you suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident, contact Cambre & Associates as soon after the accident as possible to discuss your next steps.