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Areas We Serve in and around Atlanta, GA

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Cambre & Associates proudly serves clients in Atlanta, GA, and the surrounding areas, offering dedicated representation for those affected by serious injuries or wrongful death. Our personal injury attorneys understand the overwhelming stress that comes with accidents and the confusion of dealing with insurance companies and medical bills.

Here are some of the areas we serve:

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Car Accident
Truck Accident
Bike Accident
Bus Crash
Pedestrian Accident
Train Crash
Airplane Crash
Construction Accident
Hit and Run Cases
Hit by Drunk Driver
Hit from Behind Accident
Motorcycle Accident

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Car Accidents

Car Accidents Car accidents occur every day in Atlanta, GA and throughout the United States. In fact the Center for Disease Control estimates that over two million people are injured in car accidents every year. At Cambre and Associates, our team of personal injury lawyers have been helping car accident victims seek the compensation they deserve for their injuries for years, and our personal injury lawyers have extensive experience handling both major and minor car accident claims. If you are ever involved in a car accident, there are a few things you should always do at the scene of the accident:

  • Pull the car over, if possible, and park in a safe place
  • Document everything you can by taking photos, getting contact information for witnesses, etc.
  • Contact the police, and if needed, get medical attention from paramedics on scene
  • Get evaluated by a doctor
  • Contact a car accident attorney

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Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle Accidents Most motorcycle owners realize that everytime they ride their bike, they run the risk of being involved in a catastrophic accident, which in most cases, is caused by the negligent actions of another driver. Due to the catastrophic nature of the injuries sustained by motorcyclists involved in car accidents, the Georgia legislature requires anyone who owns or leases to carry motorcycle insurance that complies with the state minimum standard. However, if you carry the state minimum amount of motorcycle insurance, your insurance will only cover damage to others drivers or their vehicle that is caused by you. As such, when you are involved in a car accident caused by a negligent driver, you need to obtain the services of a personal injury lawyer that has experience with both motorcycle accident claims and personal injury cases involving catastrophic injuries. At Cambre and Associates, our attorneys are experts in the common causes of motorcycle accidents such as reckless driving, improper lane changes, and running red lights, as well as the type of medical evidence needed to project the future treatment expenses of an accident victim with catastrophic injuries.

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Truck Accidents

Truck Accidents According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), there were an estimated 475,000 police-reported car crashes involving a large truck nationwide in 2016, which resulted in 104,000 injuries, but truck drivers and trucking companies are required to abide by different insurance and safety laws than normal drivers. With respect to insurance, you first need to determine whether the truck driver is required to carry insurance that complies with either state or federal law, because the insurance requirements for large trucks operating exclusively in the state of Georgia are much different than the federal requirements imposed on large truck drivers who travel across state lines. Moreover, truck accidents can become even more complicated if the truck driver is an independent contractor. Due to these factors and others, it’s important for you to employ the services of a personal injury attorney that is intimately familiar with both the state and federal laws that apply to truck drivers and the impact these laws can have on your claim. At Cambre and Associates, our personal injury lawyers have extensive experience in handling truck accident claims, and our personal injury attorneys have the expertise needed to hold the trucking companies responsible for the actions of their drivers.

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Bicycle Accidents

Bicycle Accidents Atlanta is one of the busiest cities in the United States, and as our city grows, many people have decided to stay off of Atlanta’s busy highways by doing most of their traveling by bicycle. Unfortunately, many drivers fail to properly yield to bicyclists, and as a result, cyclists end up being involved in a bicycle accident that could have been avoided. Similar to car accidents, cyclists who have been involved in an accident need to document the accident scene as much as possible either by taking photos with their phone or by keeping a recording of the accident caught by their helmet camera. This evidence can prove to be invaluable during the litigation process, because many motorists and their insurance companies will attempt to claim that it was the bicyclist who ultimately caused the accident. As such, you should hire a personal injury attorney with extensive trial experience that thoroughly understands Georgia’s negligence laws. At Cambre and Associates, each personal injury attorney at our firm is intimately familiar with every aspect of Georgia’s negligence laws, and we have dedicated our careers to defending the rights of accident victims.

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Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian Accidents Atlanta can be a dangerous place for pedestrians. Speeding, drunk driving, and unpredictable traffic are just a few of the hazards that could cause a pedestrian to get struck by a vehicle. Moreover, Georgia’s comparative negligence statute, O.C.G.A. §51-11-7, makes it possible for the driver to argue that a pedestrian is partially or completely responsible for causing a car accident, which in some cases can result in an injured pedestrian being unable to recover any compensation for their injuries entirely. This aspect of Georgia law is one of the most important reasons that you should hire a personal injury lawyer to represent you if you are involved in any type of accident in Georgia, because failure to do so could allow a driver’s insurance company to build a defense that prohibits you from being compensated for your injuries entirely or seriously diminishes the value of your claim. The personal injury attorneys at Cambre and Associates understand this fact, and as a result, our personal injury lawyers immediately begin preparing a claim that is strong enough to weaken or completely break through a comparative negligence defense, once our firm agrees to accept your personal injury case.

Uber and Lyft Car Accidents

Uber and Lyft Car Accidents Ridesharing companies like Uber and Lyft have completely changed the way most Americans travel. However, Uber and Lyft drivers, similar to taxi cab drivers, drive many miles per day, which increases the driver’s chances of causing or being involved in car accident. Georgia is one of the many states that have enacted laws that require rideshare companies to carry special insurance on their drivers, which in some cases is far above the state minimum. However, factors such as whether or not the ridesharing app was activated at the time of the accident, whether or not you were a paying passenger in the Uber or Lyft driver’s car, and who ultimately caused the accident can all have an impact on your claim. The experienced personal injury attorneys at Cambre and Associates have helped many Uber and Lyft car accident victims seek the compensation they deserve by providing our clients with the aggressive thorough legal representation needed to successfully execute a personal injury claim against an Uber or Lyft driver.

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Taxi Cab Accidents

Taxi Cab Accidents Similar to Uber and Lyft drivers, taxi cab operators drive hundreds of miles every day in order to make living, and while Georgia does not require taxi cab drivers to carry insurance that differs from the state minimum, taxi cab companies can be held liable for the actions of their drivers in certain scenarios. The key factor your personal injury lawyer must establish is whether or not the taxi driver is legally considered an independent contractor. Taxicab accident cases can be complex, and in order to be successful, your personal injury attorney will need to aggressively investigate and determine factors such as:

  • How the accident occured
  • The taxi cab driver’s past driving record
  • The taxi cab driver’s employment relationship with the taxi company

At Cambre and Associates, our personal injury attorneys have the experience and resources to properly investigate the taxi company and driver in order to determine the full extent of their liability. This understanding of Georgia’s taxi cab laws has been gained through years of practice, and it can play a crucial role in getting you the compensation you need for your injuries.

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Bus Accidents

Bus Accidents According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), fatal large truck and bus accidents have increased 26% from 2009 to 2015, and the FMCSA has estimated that of the fatal bus accidents that occured from 2005 to 2015, 13% of these accidents involved intercity buses while school buses and transit buses accounted for 41% and 33% respectively. Unfortunately, the number of bus accidents that occur in Atlanta can only be expected to rise as the city’s population increases, but bus accidents are unique in many ways. Similar to commercial trucks, bus companies can be required carry insurance that complies with either state or federal law, depending on the type of business the bus conducts on a daily basis. Second, your personal injury attorney will have to determine who owns the bus, because buses owned by municipalities can be shielded from full liability in certain scenarios due the the protection of sovereign immunity. These factors and others can complicate the claims process and increase the complexity of the litigation that is initiated in connection with your accident. Due to this, you need to make sure you hire a personal injury attorney with expertise and experience in handling bus accident claims. The personal injury lawyers at Cambre and Associates have a plethora of experience in handling bus accidents cases, and our team of personal injury lawyers have the legal expertise needed to determine which body of law applies in you unique situation, which will allow our lawyers to handle your case effectively and efficiently.

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Public Transportation Accidents

Public Transportation Vehicle Accidents The city of Atlanta has an extensive public transit system that is primarily owned and operated by the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA), and while MARTA provides an essential service consisting of transporting passengers via bus or railway all across the city, accidents can and often do happen while Atlanta residents are utilizing a form of public transportation. Examples of common causes of public transportation vehicle accidents include the following:

  • The reckless operation of vehicle
  • Improperly maintaining the vehicle
  • Failing to remove any conditions that might make the vehicle hazardous for passengers

However, since MARTA is owned by the city of Atlanta, filing a personal injury suit against MARTA or any other government-owned public transportation entity is no small task that requires years of legal experience to execute properly. The personal injury lawyers at Cambre and Associates understand the legal standards that a plaintiff must meet in order to successfully bring a claim against a public transportation company. Our team of personal injury attorneys will gather evidence to support your claim, interview witnesses, and prepare your case for trial in an effort to ensure that we obtain the best possible resolution to your personal injury case.

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Nursing Home and Elder Abuse

Nursing Home and Elder Abuse Claims According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were an estimated 47.8 million Americans age 65 or older living in the U.S. as of July of 2015. These senior citizens are our fathers, mothers, and grandparents, and indeed, our goal as the younger generation is to protect them and ensure that they are taken care of as they get older. We trust nursing homes and hospitals to care for our elders, and unfortunately, these institutions do not always take steps to ensure that their patients are not subjected to abuse. In most cases involving elder abuse, family members are able to identify that something is wrong, but they are unaware of some of the classic signs of abuse such as:

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Depression or behavior that is indicative of confusion
  • Acting agitated or violent
  • Unexplained bruises, burns, or scars
  • Developing bed sores

Unfortunately, the personal injury attorneys at Cambre and Associates have seen the toll that elder abuse can take on a victim, and our attorneys have the experience and legal expertise needed to seek justice for elderly victims who cannot defend themselves. If you believe one of your family members is being abused, call and speak with one of our personal injury attorneys today to find out how we can help you.

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Slip & Fall Accidents

Slip and Fall Accidents Slip and fall accidents are one of the most common types of premises liability claims. When you enter a business to purchase a product or service, you are being indirectly invited onto the landowner’s premises, because almost all businesses serve the general public. As such, a business owner is responsible for ensuring that a foreign substance such as water, oil, or chemicals are not sitting on a floor in a manner that could make the floor hazardous. This responsibility falls under the business owner’s duty of ordinary care to keep their premises safe. Unfortunately, business owners fail to maintain their business with some regularity, and as a result, thousands of people every year are injured as a result of slip and fall accidents. Whether you are involved in a slip and fall accident or a general premises liability accident, you should always contact a premises liability attorney as soon as possible after the accident to discuss your legal options. The personal injury attorneys at Cambre and Associates have the legal expertise you need to bring your premises liability or slip and fall claim to a successful conclusion, but contacting a personal injury attorney as soon as possible after a slip and fall or premises liability accident is crucially important due to the fact that the business or property owner will inevitably try to rectify the hazard immediately after the accident occurs in an effort to reduce their liability.

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Premises Liability Accidents

Premises Liability Accidents A premises liability claim can take many forms such as falling through an old board in a deck, being struck by a piece of an unkept roof, or event being electrocuted due to unmaintained electrical wires. In Georgia, property owners owe their guests a duty of ordinary care to ensure that their property is properly maintained. When a landowner fails to fulfill their duty of care, they can be held liable for injuries incurred by a guest as a result of the landowner’s negligence under O.C.G.A. §51-3-1. However, premises liability claims are not always straightforward, and the landowner, in most cases, will take steps to avoid being held liable for damages incurred by an accident victim.

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Product Liability Accidents

Product Liability Accidents Every day Americans place a great deal of trust in the companies that produce the products that we buy. After all, it is not just adults that use these products. We place toys in the hands of our sons, daughters, nieces, and nephews every day with the expectation that they are playing with something safe, but product manufactures are often so focused on costs and profits that they knowingly produce products that are defective or dangerous. In these instance, companies that manufacture these dangerous or defective products can be held liable for damages incurred by an accident victim as a result of the manufacturer’s negligence under O.C.G.A. § 51-1-11. However, most product liability cases are extremely adversarial, because a manufacturer will allocate a large amount of time and money to ensure that their product is not deemed dangerous, which why you should always contact an experienced personal injury attorney if you or a family member have been injured as a result of a defective product. The personal injury attorneys at Cambre and Associates have years of experience in handling complex product liability cases, and we have the legal expertise needed to bring your claim to a successful resolution.

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Wrongful Death Claims

Wrongful Death Claims The Center for Disease Control reported that there were 214,008 injury fatalities in 2015 alone,  and although these deaths occured for a number of reasons, there were certainly some that could have been avoided. If you have lost a family member due to the negligent actions of another person, the law allows the you and your family to seek civil damages for the loss of  companionship and support that your love one provided. Wrongful death cases can be brought against the person responsible for your loved one’s passing in instances such as:

  • DUI
  • Reckless Driving
  • Defective Products
  • Nursing Home Neglect or Abuse

The death of any family member can be devastating, but wrongful death cases are complex and require a high degree of legal expertise to be successful. So, you should always consult with a wrongful death attorney who will evaluate your case, guide you through the litigation process, and explain your family’s legal options.

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Medical Malpractice Claims

Medical Malpractice Claims As of 2013, there were 1,045,910 doctors in the United States, and in some instances, you literally trust these doctors with your life. However, doctors are just people that in some cases, make the wrong decision at a critical point in time. Unfortunately, one wrong decision from a doctor can leave a you injured for an extended period of time or even for the rest of your life. When these unfortunate instances occur, the doctor is said to have committed medical malpractice, but medical malpractice is not only limited to the actions of physicians. Dentists, nurses, and hospitals can commit malpractice as well, but the burden of proof lies on you to prove that malpractice was committed. This should always be accomplished with the assistance of a medical malpractice attorney who will investigate your claim by analyzing medical records, gathering expert witness testimony, and demonstrating in detail how the medical professional broke standard medical practices, which in turn caused your injuries.

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Dog Bite Claims

Dog Bite Claims Like many cities, under the city of Atlanta’s code of ordinances, pet owners are required to keep dogs on a leash when the animal is outside of its pen or the owner’s home. Moreover, pet owners are required to keep their dogs under control.

What Should I do if a Dog Bites Me?What Should I do if a Dog Bites Me?

If you are bitten by a dog as a result of the pet owner’s failure to keep their dog on a leash or under control, you may be able to seek compensation for your injuries and damages that were the result of the pet owner’s negligence. Even if you believe your injuries are minor, you should always:

  • Take pictures of your injuries
  • Contact the police to file a police report
  • Get evaluated by a doctor
  • Consult with a dog bite lawyer

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 1 in 5 dog bite victims require medical care. Moreover, dogs can carry a host of different diseases. A dog bite attorney will fight to protect your rights and obtain the proper compensation you require for a speedy recovery from your injuries.

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Negligence Claims

Negligence Claims While it is true that the large majority of personal injury cases are centered around negligence in one form or another, accidents caused by a negligent act do not always fall within a specific category of personal injury law. Moreover, there are different types of negligence such as simple negligence, gross negligence, and criminal negligence. The behavior of the negligent party and the circumstances surrounding their actions are what determines what type of negligence they engaged in. As such, if you are involved in any type of accident or are the victim of a crime, you should always contact a personal injury attorney in order to determine what civil remedies might be available to you as an accident or criminal victim. At Cambre and Associates, our personal injury attorneys come from diverse legal backgrounds that have given them experience in multiple areas of the law. If you believe you have been injured due to the negligent actions of another person, call our office today for a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer.

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Catastrophic Claims

Catastrophic Injuries The personal injury lawyers at Cambre and Associates have extensive experience in handling personal injury cases involving accident victims that have sustained catastrophic injuries. Catastrophic injuries can be sustained by medical malpractice victims, car accident victims, victims of extreme elderly abuse, etc. These types of personal injury cases are unique, because they require a personal injury lawyer to have an intimate understanding of how a catastrophic injury will affect an accident victim in the future in order to articulate that impact on a victim’s life to a jury. Moreover, a personal injury attorney that handles catastrophic injury cases needs a thorough understanding of how to properly calculate an accident victim’s future medical needs in order to properly calculate an accident victim’s damages. Common examples of catastrophic injuries sustained by accident victims include:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Severe traumatic brain injuries
  • Vertebral fractures
  • Injuries that leave an accident victim in a permanent vegetative state such as a coma

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