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Dangerous Road Conditions in Atlanta, GA

Not all car accidents are because of a driver error. In some cases, you may find yourself driving absolutely responsibly, and to no fault of your own be involved in an accident because of hazardous road conditions. If you have been in an accident because of unsafe road conditions, you may think that you do not have any legal options to pursue compensation for your injuries, but this is not always the case. There are many instances where your accident was caused not because of your actions or inactions, but instead were caused by irresponsible road care on behalf of the town or state.

Take a look below at some examples of dangerous road conditions that can cause accidents that you may be able to seek financial compensation for. In addition, contact us immediately for a free case evaluation and to schedule a consultation. We will discuss the immediate steps that you should take in order to gather the information necessary for a possible case, and can talk about your options for a possible civil lawsuit. When you are working with Cambre & Associates, you can be confident that your case is being handled by an experienced car accident attorney in Atlanta who will fight to get you the money that you deserve.

Examples of Dangerous Road Conditions in Georgia

While snow isn’t common in Atlanta, it can be disastrous when it arrives. However, snow isn’t the only hazard that Georgia drivers need to watch out for.

Poor Signage on Roads

When road signs are either not present, or are confusing to drivers, it can cause serious problems for everyone driving in that area. If a stop light is out and an accident occurs, who is at fault? What if there is no sign at all to warn drivers or upcoming hazards, or how to properly approach an upcoming stretch?

Construction Hazards

When a construction company wins a state or town contract for a public roadway, they agree to maintain a safe environment for all pedestrians and drivers of that street. If you are in an accident while passing through a construction zone because of a dangerous detour or improper management of the area, you may be eligible to seek compensation from the company.

Debris in Road

In certain situations, but not all, an accident caused by debris in the road might be something that you can seek compensation from the state or local government or highway department for. Your rights for repayment depends on the specific situation, which we can discuss in greater detail during your free case evaluation.

Snow or Ice

Snow and ice are common in more-northern states, but can cause serious problems for a city like Atlanta that does not have the infrastructure and response training that cities who are more used to icy conditions do. When we get snow and ice in Atlanta, it can create extremely dangerous driving conditions and lead to many accidents.


Potholes can do serious damage to your vehicle, and may even cause an accident if they are big enough. If you were in an accident because of a pothole, make sure that you document the hazard in detail as soon as possible, since it may be repaired soon and you will have trouble finding explicit proof of the issue.

What To Do After an Accident From A Dangerous Road Condition

The first thing that you should do after any car accident is to contact the police department. This makes sure that the scene is safe for traffic, ensures that you get any necessary medical attention, and to establish a legal record of your accident.

In addition, make sure that you gather as much information as possible about the hazard, including possible pictures or eyewitness accounts. We will use all of these details in order to determine the validity of your case, as well as to create a complete picture of the situation if and when we present it to a judge.

Finally, contact a car accident attorney as soon as you are able to. The Georgia statute of limitations generally gives victims two years from the time of their injuries to pursue a civil lawsuit, and the sooner you act, the easier this process will be for a variety of reasons.

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